15 November, 2012

Fall went by way too fast

Something about the best laid plans…pretty much every show/outing planned for this Fall was kyboshed by weather or lack of entries…the ladies and I have made the best of it with some fun jumping lessons, crazy combinations and re-creating XC jumps in the ring, but man, frustrating.

Waredaca (the only show we made it to) was a success despite Hurricane Sandy creeping up the coast. Regal did not make it due to sore muscles not allowing us to stay on a good prep schedule; good news is found a great equine massage person. Elizabeth went down and had a great ride for 5th out of 15 ending on her dressage score. I swear she and Quest grin from ear to ear all the way around the course....

Sandy blew in knocking power at the barn for about 8 days, at home I was without for about 5 days. Followed by a snow storm a week later, riding has been limited, though feeling back to normal now, just in time for holidays to set in!

Change is in the air, but instead of a nice firm northern wind it is blowing around like Sandy…frustrating and adrenaline pumping all at the same time.

On a completely different note, I think I have chosen the stallion I will breed Noor to in the Spring, but I will leave that for the next entry. Stay warm, dry and happy Thanksgiving!  

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